I am developing an Android app that makes use of an SQLite database. Every now and then I want to see what is the state of my app’s database to make sure things are being stored the way I expect. To do this you need to connect to your emulator using an adb shell.
Make sure your emulator is running and run this command to get a terminal to the emulator:
adb shell
You will be presented with a prompt similar to this one:
root@android:/ #
Then go to the folder where the database for your app lives:
cd /data/data/<Your app, something like com.mydomain.myapp>/databases/
There you will find your database files. You can then use the SQLite client to inspect your database:
sqlite3 mydb.db
I am very familiar with MySQL, so the first thing I tried was to run SHOW TABLES. This command doesn’t exist in SQLite, so I had to find the equivalent:
Notice that there is no semicolon at the end of the line. For some reason the command doesn’t work if you add a semicolon. Then I tried DESCRIBE table, but it didn’t work again. The closest replacement I found was:
.schema mytable
which will return the create statement for the table.
Select statements are pretty similar to MySQL, so if you want to see all the contents of a table you can use:
SELECT * FROM mytable;