Writing ES6 with Babel
I’ve been using JavaScript for a few years, and as of today it is my favorite programming language because it allows you to build things really fast. All the JavaScript I wrote in the past was in a version called EcmaScript 5. I know there is works on EcmaScript 6 and EcmaScript 7, but since I work mostly on the browser, I can’t really use it until the browsers add support.
Babel is a ES6 to ES5 compiler. This means that you can write code in ES6 and it will be transformed to something most browsers understand. This is interesting because it allows us to use new features that are not yet implemented in all browsers, but also because it resembles the way software was developed in the past(write, compile, run). The problem with the old programming model is that it could take some time to compile the code, so there was a delay from when you write the code and you can see it in action. For JavaScript the compilation time can be brought down to something fast enough that the developer doesn’t realize the code was compiled.