Introduction to node.js
Node.js is a relatively new technology (born on 2009) that allows us run JavaScript code from outside a browser. This had already been done in the past by Mozilla Rhino, but node.js gained a lot of popularity for it’s ease of use. Node code runs inside Google’s V8 JavaScript Engine which is exactly the same engine that is used for Google Chrome. Because node code runs on this engine, when you write node code you don’t have to worry about browser compatibility issues. Node also gets rid of some restrictions that are given to JS when running on a browser, so with node you have access to things like the file system and hardware.
Node can be used for a lot of tasks like most other programming languages, but one of it’s most common uses is as a server side scripting language. Probably The main benefit of using JavaScript in the server is that if you are a web developer you will be using a syntax that you are already familiar with, so it will be easy to get up to speed.